Leadership Theories, Delegation Skills, And Group Dynamics In Mental Nursing

The initial assessment conducted in context to patients has helped me understand that there are three areas where I still need to develop my skills as a mental health nurse. Through the experience, while I performed quite well for my first time, there were the following areas where I thought I could do better. Through my experience, I showed that I had skills in the initial assessment and could establish therapeutic communication. I started with a greeting with a smile. I asked him some preliminary questions about his decision to seek treatment. I also showed my communication skill during patient handover at the start of the next shift. Through my assessment questions, I was able to gather much necessary information from the client without overwhelming me. I kept an open and relaxed body language. However, there were some issues in communication during the delegation. I felt unease while handing out duties to my supervisor. I also had issues giving clear instructions. I also felt that I could have read the pre-admission report of the client and avoided asking the questions that have already been answered to him. This would have ensured better communication. During the interview, I could have asked open-ended questions to get more answers. Additionally, I faced issues with delegation as I was able to delegate tasks during my patient assessment, I later felt that I could have been more involved in the assessment by taking the vitals of the patient rather than delegating all the tasks to the staff. I also felt issues in asking my practice assessor to check the vital signs of the client and calling the duty doctor to assess him. Assigning tasks to my supervisor was also daunting to me. This paper will analyze the leadership theories and group dynamics in terms of mental nursing, the chosen field. Apart from this emphasis should also be made on delegation skills and their importance in receiving and giving feedback. And lastly discuss how a mental health nurse can affect the policies, and how important resilience is in the professional life of the nurse Leadership Theories, Delegation Skills, And Group Dynamics In Mental Nursing.


To be an efficient leader it takes practice. The nurses in mental healthcare centres encounter a lot of issues, I suggest from my experience that they should not make hasty decisions to resolve the issue. Rather, I believe the nurses should consider various leadership theories and try to effectively apply these theories in a clinical context, surely there will be a better outcome. There are three leadership theories that can be applied in the context of mental nursing because I feel that resolving an issue with a single leadership theory will become impossible. The first leadership theory that can be adhered to is transformational leadership, because scholars like Jambawo, (2018) feel that these kinds of leaders inspire others, enhance teamwork, and identify common values that help serve the patients better. The second leadership theory that can use is participative leadership, it is mostly used by the management of any healthcare institutes, these kinds of leaders believe in collecting feedback from the nurses so that further improvement can be made on the organizational decisions. Apart from this transactional leadership is also suggested by many scholars like Xu, (2017) so that the performance and confidence of the nurses improve, enhancing their skills, and ability to take up risks. I believe that different leadership theories should be used in a clinical setting, in the current complex organizations. Thus, unlike other scholars like Ennis, Happell, and Reid-Searl, (2015) I too recommend using different leadership styles and theories for a better outcome. Developing the leadership skill is important as it helps to enhance the personal trait.  Through my experience, I showed that I had skills in initial assessment and had the ability to establish therapeutic communication. I started with a greeting with smile. I asked him some preliminary question about his decision to seek treatment. I also showed my communication skill during patient handover at the start of next shift. Through my assessment questions, I was able to gather much necessary information from the client without overwhelming me. I kept an open and relaxed body language. However, there were some issues in communication during delegation. I felt unease while handing out duties to my supervisor. I also had issues in giving clear instructions. I also felt that I could have read the pre-admission report of the client and avoided asking the questions that have already been answered by him. This would have ensured better communication. During interview, I could have asked open ended questions to get more answers. Nurses encounter a lot of diverse situations, and hence nurses need to be flexible and use them accordingly so that the organizational goals can be reached.  To improve my communication skill, I would take the help of my supervisors, and peers, use online resources, module resources (Motacki, and Burke, 2016) as well as my future placement in April 2022. Before my placement, I would prepare myself with online courses and tutorials as to how to communicate effectively. Relearn all the relevant module content related to communication. Placement in April will allow me to practice in a real scenario and improve myself. Through practice, I will be able to develop more confidence in assessment, handover, and communicating with clients in various scenarios Leadership Theories, Delegation Skills, And Group Dynamics In Mental Nursing.

Student’s Delegation Skills And Their Effectiveness In Giving And Receiving Feedback

The higher managers are an important part of the hospitals, and the actions taken by these managers, directly affect the success of the organization. The management in the hospital has to deal with a lot of things, for instance, changes, cultural integrations, retentions, and management (Barr, and Dowding, 2019) of the staff so that the changing demands in the healthcare structures can be managed. The management styles of these managers play an important role in workplace empowerment, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment (Northouse, 2021). Hence, these professionals also need to follow the leadership theories, so that they can enhance their skills more and deliver effective work.

The healthcare sector has become quite diverse, multidisciplinary teams exist, and I believe that managing people from different backgrounds is a critical task so that the quality of service and care is maintained. Communication, which too also open-ended is important, that is what is lacking and have to work upon, because communication helps in building trust and respect not only amongst the team but also with the patients (Forsyth, 2018). Being a selfless person is very important in nursing (Jones, Jones, and Beauvais, 2022), that is what I learned from my experience. To maintain that group dynamics, I believe it is important to incorporate positive conflict managing strategies so that growth can be enhanced, the relation between team members improve, so that they all can deliver their work properly, and keep the patients and their families satisfied. Various communication channels and strategies need to be used to improve the communication line (Fokuo et al., 2017). For instance, researchers have also shown that how telehealth services in nursing can improve can be used to meet the target. Next is the wellness program, which in the healthcare sector can also help in improving productivity, reduce burn out, stress, and also create a culture of a healthy workplace environment (Townsend, and Morgan, 2017). Principles like wellness programs guide how to foster team dynamics and satisfy the needs of the patients accordingly (Thongpriwan et al., 2015)Leadership Theories, Delegation Skills, And Group Dynamics In Mental Nursing. I will be keeping all the above-mentioned points in mind to ensure future development in my career, and to enhance my existing skills and weakness.

Talking about delegation, I would say that it is a complex skill required in professional life to make a proper clinical judgment (Thomas, Seifert, and Joyner, 2016), and also be accountable for the care delivered to the patients. Effective delegation can only take place with experience, it helps to serve a maximum number of patients. Responsibility, accountability, and authority are all important parts of nursing practice, and could only be practiced properly if effective delegation skills exist within the nursing students (Akinola, Martin, and Phillips, 2018), I feel it can only take place with experience and proper practice of the skills. I would like to present my personal experience with my delegation skills and what strategies I need to follow to improve them.

Delegation: I had some issues in the delegation as well. While I was able to delegate tasks during my patient assessment, I later felt that I could have been more involved in the assessment taking the vitals of the patient rather than delegating all the tasks to the staff. I also felt issues in asking my practice assessor to check the vital signs of the client and calling the duty doctor to assess him.

To achieve my learning needs of delegation, I would take the help of my supervisors, and peers, use online resources, module resources (Motacki, and Burke, 2016) as well as my future placement in April 2022. Before my placement, I would prepare myself with online courses and tutorials. Relearn all the relevant module content and practice meditation to increase patience and confidence. Placement in April will allow me to practice in a real scenario and improve myself. Through practice, I will be able to develop more confidence in assessment, handover, and communicating with clients in various scenarios. This placement would also help me develop my delegation as I will be able to both observe and practice this skill at work. I would also be able to learn emotional management by observing other nurses and my supervisors.

What I learned is if I am not able to develop my delegating skills, it would affect my ability to provide proper care and there will also be mismanagement of resources, and also my communication skill, and the quality of delegation will help in improving professional practice. The major feedback is received from the supervisors because they are the mentors, they are the ones who monitor our clinical and educational progress and also make sure that we receive proper guidance (Johnson et al., 2015). Unfortunately, in my case, I felt that I could have been more involved in the assessment taking the vitals of the patient rather than delegating all the tasks to the staff. I also felt issues in asking my practice assessor to check the vital signs of the client and calling the duty doctor to assess him. Hence, neither was able to provide feedback to my accessor nor receive feedback, because my delegating skills were, weak, hence the above-mentioned strategies will be taken care of in improving the delegating skills and enhancing the service of care. Thus, it can be said that delegation skills and receiving and giving feedback are all interlinked (Nowell, 2016)Leadership Theories, Delegation Skills, And Group Dynamics In Mental Nursing.

The nurses, whatever their specialization is plays an important role in affecting healthcare policies. The policies that have been implemented in the US for instance is are highly influenced by the healthcare system, rather the policies that are being implemented are done in consultation with experienced healthcare experts, so that better facilities can provide by the government and the healthcare institutes all over the US (Xue et al., 2016), moreover, evaluating the policies in consultation with a healthcare expert also facilitates better health outcomes for mentally unstable patients. The nurses like us, or those who want to pursue this profession are all frontline workers, and hence the responsibility is immense, there are times when the nurses have to explain healthcare policies and procedures to patients and their families during a one-on-one interaction. Nurses play a crucial role in the development and changes in healthcare policies because we being a nurse has to spend a lot of time interacting with patients, and hence we are aware of the needs of the patients (Mason et al., 2020), we know which policy will be beneficial and which is not. This knowledge is conveyed to the policymakers so that they can outline the policies accordingly. The nurse leaders and managers also have an important role to play as they convey the policies to the team members so that they know what they are accountable for, and what is expected of them. There are certain steps the nurses take to shape the healthcare policies-

  • To evaluate the existing policies and point out limitations, components that are missing, or the opportunities that should be included more to make the healthcare system stronger.
  • To propose new policies.
  • To provide clinical insights to the policymakers.

When the role of student nurses’ changes to a full-time professional nurse, I would like to consider myself in this case. I feel the pressure increases because the working hour’s increases and more critical patients have to be dealt with, with very minimal resources. I feel that it is very important to build up personal resilience so that we being a nurse can cope with stress adversities in the job, along with providing quality service and also maintaining job satisfaction, addressing problems, and ensuring a positive and safe work environment (Cam, and Buyukbayram, 2017). For this various resilience enhancing interventions should be developed, the purpose behind this resilience intervention is to fight negativity and incompetence. This is very useful for mental health nurses because they have to deal with a lot of adversities and challenges in their job (Reyes et al., 2015)Leadership Theories, Delegation Skills, And Group Dynamics In Mental Nursing. Thus, I believe that emotional resilience should be identified as a dynamic, fluid process that helps in dealing with emotional processes, like the one I have and increase the level of adaptability and flexibility. This will be better understood by looking at the PDP provided in the appendix.



Thus, it can be concluded by saying that, to be an efficient leader takes practice. Developing leadership skills is important as it helps to enhance personal traits. The management in the hospital has to deal with a lot of things, for instance, changes, cultural integrations, retentions, and managing the staff so that the changing demands in the healthcare structures can be managed. To maintain that group dynamics, it is important to incorporate positive conflict managing strategies, so that growth can be enhanced, the relation between team members improve so that they all can deliver their work properly, and keep the patients and their families satisfied. Effective delegation can only take place with experience, it helps to serve a maximum number of patients. Responsibility, accountability, and authority are all important parts of nursing practice. Nurses play a crucial role in the development and changes in the healthcare policies because nurses spend maximum time interacting with patients, and hence they are aware of the needs of the patients, we know which policy will be beneficial and which is not. This knowledge is conveyed to the policymakers so that they can outline the policies accordingly. Through my experience, I showed that I had skills in initial assessment and had the ability to establish therapeutic communication. I started with a greeting with smile. I asked him some preliminary question about his decision to seek treatment. I also showed my communication skill during patient handover at the start of next shift. Through my assessment questions, I was able to gather much necessary information from the client without overwhelming me. I kept an open and relaxed body language. However, there were some issues in communication during delegation. To improve my communication skill, I would take the help of my supervisors, and peers, use online resources, module resources (Motacki, and Burke, 2016) as well as my future placement in April 2022. Before my placement, I would prepare myself with online courses and tutorials as to how to communicate effectively. I feel that it is very important to build up personal resilience so that we being as nurses can cope with stress adversities in the job, along with providing quality service and also maintaining job satisfaction, addressing problems, and ensuring a positive and safe work environment Leadership Theories, Delegation Skills, And Group Dynamics In Mental Nursing